HS Regional Team

The MDLAX High School Regional team plays locally in the midwest area with girls from a mix of graduation years.  There are no tryouts for the regional team.

This team practices at Hartland Heritage Field in the summer and fall, and will play in 4 local tournaments this summer.

The Regional team is a good option for girls who want to improve their lacrosse skills, but don't want to compete in national tournaments that require air travel or extended road trips. You will still be guided throughout the college recruitment process along with being coached by the best staff!

Registration and commitment for the regional team opens November 1st and closes May 1st. 2025 summer Regional Team is a full commitment to all tournaments and practices. We practice 2 days a week and you can find the tournament schedule under the Tournaments tab.

Photo Jul 16 2023, 8 51 15 AM (1) (edited)